
Las Vegas, 1999 The World of Red Embrace


The world of Red Embrace is a dark, modern universe where vampires hide amongst mortals.
Every vampire seeks something different — for many, it is simply to feel human again.

There are three Vampire Houses with unique gifts and curses. A vampire's House is determined by who sired them, but some special cases do occur...

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You are what eats you  The Houses


What lies beyond the surface? The Golgotha were tormented by this question in life. As vampires, their thirst for knowledge grants them tantalizing psychic powers.

Each Golgotha sees unique visions, flickering insights that can betray many secrets. But this dark gift can easily consume their minds, and some Golgotha lose all grasp of reality.


Out of all the Houses, the Mavvar are most in tune with their vampiric instincts. They have exquisite senses, and can tap into feverish, bestial strength when the need arises.

But these vampires are rarely found alone. Whether they bond with a single person or an entire clan, any Mavvar will always yearn for belonging and unity.


All Iscari carry a radiant flame in their soul. Their passions in life burn dangerously brighter in death, consuming them entirely if left unchecked.

The Iscari are often charismatic, theatrical, or creative, drawing others into their intense orbit. They wield illusive powers of hypnotism and glamour, claiming the hearts of those who draw too close.

Las Vegas Undead  The Cast


A playful, easygoing loner and self-proclaimed “nobody,” Sal is your first friend and quasi-mentor in the vampiric underworld. Like many Iscari, he’s effortlessly charming, though a little theatrical at times. He also works the night shift at a strangely empty bar, where you first encounter him.

JIWA – Golgotha

Sharp, dry, and withdrawn, Jiwa vastly prefers the company of carnivorous plants to other vampires. Their acerbic politeness makes conversations difficult, to put it mildly. Every moment you spend conversing with Jiwa, they tend to make it quite clear that they’d rather be doing anything except talking. It’s nothing personal.


The Twin Sisters, as they’re often known, are neither twins nor sisters. No one knows why the Ecuadorian girls look so similar — but they share an eerie bond that defies description. Alvera is the gentler, far more compassionate sister, while Ventura is infamous for her sharp tongue and dismissive wit. The pair are renowned seers among the vampires of Las Vegas, as their Golgotha gifts allow them to glimpse the strands of fate.

KIEFER – Mavvar

Bright, energetic, and chronically mischievous, Kiefer is wildly popular among tech-savvy punks. As one of the finest hackers in the vampire world, he’s an expert at terrorizing corrupt companies and the government. The passionate Mavvar helps lead a small, but swiftly growing group of young vampires in Vegas, united by their love of technology and hatred for the older elites.

IZEFIA – Golgotha

The ethereal empress of Las Vegas’ nightlife, Izefia possesses a cool and untouchable charisma. She’s rumored to be very old, a theory reinforced by her unnatural, serene elegance. As part of a triumvirate, she leads many of the city’s vampires, helping them to survive these trying nights. However, despite her sublime charm, the Golgotha remains an uncomfortable enigma to many.


The princely Mavvar known as Dakayivani is a most elusive man. Solemn and reserved, he gives off an air of polite dispassion, as if glass separates him from the rest of the world. He works with his mentor, Izefia, to lead the powerful ruling coalition of vampires in Las Vegas. However, while Izefia is frequently found at the casinos, Dakayivani remains isolated in his towering skyscraper office, gazing down upon the Strip as the nights go by.


Reckless yet paranoid, hedonistic yet brooding, kind yet self-serving — Ulysses is a step beyond comprehension, in no small part due to his overfondness for psychedelics. As a human photographer and journalist, he has an intense interest in vampires. Thanks to his perpetually bewildered, touristy appearance, he’s usually able to document them without arousing suspicion.


Laid-back, playfully snarky, and an unabashed geek, Rosalind is a far cry from most tormented vampires. She relies on logic and hates drama, and would rather deal with problems that can be IP banned. The Iscari prefers to stay online, where she can be found building websites, running forums, and roleplaying in MUDs.

ZHANG – Golgotha

The sly and jovial vampire known mononymously as Zhang is infamous for his scheming. He’s particularly perceptive of others’ weaknesses, and often twists this to his advantage. Zhang runs Maodun Consulting, a law office in Chinatown. As an attorney, his skill for “convincing” the prosecution to drop their case is unmatched, although his methodology is somewhat dubious.

KOZIOL – Golgotha

Warm, soft-spoken, and stunningly intelligent, Koziol is an anatomical scientist and surgeon of otherworldly skill. They possess a poetic, almost romantic appreciation for the body and all its workings. The Golgotha’s greatest power lies in crafting technological implants, which combine circuitry with the arcane powers of vampire blood to enhance – and transform – a subject.

NADIM – Iscari

Mesmerizingly intense and magnetic, Nadim is well-known for his aloof exterior. Although he can come across as abrasive, the Iscari’s intimidating energy attracts all the attention in a room without an ounce of effort. As a DJ and audio engineer, he puts his talents to use for the Netizen faction – helping the tech-punk group flourish in both work and play.

SANJANA – Golgotha

Rebellious down to the last fiber in her body, Sanjana is a true punk who refuses to follow any rules but her own. With zero filter, she tends to bluntly say whatever’s on her mind, which doesn’t go off so well with some folks. She’s an extremely talented hacker and programmer, like her best friend Kiefer. Her Golgotha visions help her see instant connections in code and engineering…almost too many.

CHAE-WON – Fourth House

A midwife, blood bank manager, and former mudang, Chae-won is a formidable yet sweet woman with a motherly presence – and a vampire of the Fourth House. She runs a clinic for impoverished women in Chinatown with the help of her assistant, Jack. Chae-won radiates a calm, ageless wisdom, and yet there’s something distinctly unnerving about her aura.

HOSHEK – Fourth House

Quiet, gentle, and kind, Hoshek presents himself as the most sympathetic of gentlemen. As a funeral home director, he adopts a consistently soothing manner due to his work, helping his clients through their time of grieving and preparing their loved ones for a final rest. Few vampires trust Hoshek, however, due to his association with the Fourth House.